Microsoft exams

Historically, Microsoft has created certifications for their business products. However, over the past couple years Microsoft shifted its certification focus to job roles, particularly job roles in the Microsoft Cloud Platform ecosystem.

What are the new role-based certification paths?
The new role-based certifications are grouped into buckets, creating four pathways:

1.Apps and Infrastructure
The Apps and Infrastructure path is where you’ll find most of the Azure-focused certifications. This path is built for those who want to validate their skills in building, developing, and securing Azure infrastructure and solutions.

2.Data and AI
The Data and AI path is geared more towards those who work with data on Azure, like data scientists and business analysts.

3.Modern Workplace
The Modern Workplace path is all about fostering operational efficiency and collaboration in today’s organizations. This path covers products like Microsoft 365, Office 365, SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, and Azure AD.

4.Business Apps
Finally, the Business Apps path features certifications for functional consultants working with various apps within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 family.

  • Microsoft Azure Role-based
  • Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

  • Microsoft 365 Role-based
  • Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

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How do Microsoft certification levels work?
With the introduction of the role-based certifications, there are now two hierarchies within Microsoft’s certification structure.

Both types of certification have the same kind of grading, with an entry-level certification covering basic concepts as the first step, a more technical mid-level cert, and a final, top-shelf certification aimed at experienced pros. The first certification on the ladder isn’t a prerequisite for the mid-level cert, but you must achieve a mid-level badge before you can attempt to earn the final certification.

The only difference between the older product-aligned certs and the new role-based certifications is that the role-based badges are titled slightly differently.

We offer self-study packages based on Microsoft Learn materials in combination with the lab environment from our partner Virsoft.

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Microsoft examens

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